Monday, November 15, 2010

Future Miss Sunburst Soapbox Derby Supreme Queen!

Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit!  Look who's practicing her modeling routine with Pageant Pop!

Shaneyney (official pageant name) is determined to do whatever it takes to be the next reigning Soapbox Derby Supreme Queen.  Her will power, combined with her inordinate talent (she will be repeatedly rocking back and forth on all fours with her eyes closed as a soulful interpretation of Enya's "Return to Innocence") makes her a shoo-in for the title. So y'all better watch out--- this li'l one is slicker than snot and mashed bananas, that's fer shure.

Bring em on, baby cakes.


heather said...

My son started this behavior right at 3 1/2 months. I had a feeling it was teething but what child teeths that early?! His first tooth popped at 5 months. Anyway, I later learned that Orajel was a lifesaver. We both had a hard time with his teething, too. I wrote a post about it on my blog: "The Night I Almost Killed My Motherhood".

Ashley said...

Is she standing? She is so advanced, it's crazy! :)

kitten said...

Standing already!? Way to go yunabell!!! :)

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