Mine is this:
I was stunned by the simplicity of his comment, that I giddiily pointed it out to Shi while shopping in Target, and he agreed. Sure, I appreciate everyone's comments from the bottom of my clavicle, and this post also goes out to anyone who has posted a comment here, but there's something about a simple "thank you" that melts me. There's something about being recognized for the fact that it's no fucking joke writing a post of decent content almost every. fucking. day. There were days when I almost felt my brain bleeding because I have not a single thing to write about, and I get frustrated and mad, I end up posting a repulsive photo(s) as a post, just to remind myself not to take all of this too seriously. So when I come across somebody who'd leave me a comment like this, as simple as it may have sounded, it makes blogging my life away so rewarding, and the hard work, so worth it.
No need to thank me, Henry, I get extreme pleasure from releasing all my brain fart to the Internet, and I'm the lucky one for having a reader like you appreciating all the junk I put out here. I'm like McDonald's in that sense, really. You know you wanna stay away, but you can't just have enough!
It just sucks that Henry didn't leave me a website I can visit and possibly follow. The man has good taste, after all.
Not to fret, here's someone else I can follow: William Neeson, a student of medical sonography and owner of a non-profit website called Sonography Technician, geared to help fellow students in his field of study, got in contact with me the other day to mention that he included my blog in his very own list of Top 50 Bloggers on Parenting. Fuck yeah!! Can I get a whut, whut?! What did I do to deserve this type of recognition, William? You are awesome, and I hope you graduate with high distinction. Pregnant readers, please remember him for your Sonography needs in the future.
The reason I'm writing this post is because I actually realized something. It seems like, my blog hits men in all the right places! Thank you, Henry and Bill! Can I call you Bill?
UPDATE: Jill from Yeah, Good Times was quick to remind me of the time she complimented my boobs in this post. So Henry, I'm sorry but I have to bump her up to number 1. It took me a long time screwing around with the silicone bra to get that effect and I'm glad Jill noticed the effort.
UPDATE: Jill from Yeah, Good Times was quick to remind me of the time she complimented my boobs in this post. So Henry, I'm sorry but I have to bump her up to number 1. It took me a long time screwing around with the silicone bra to get that effect and I'm glad Jill noticed the effort.
i work in midtown manhattan & just being female I get a lot of "hey mommie oooh mommie mommie" crap that I just keep walking & ignore (these are from the guys who say this to everyone btwn the age of 14 - 94 regardless of what you look like. You have boobs, you're getting 'mwaaaaah'd' by these dingdongs).
The nicest thing someone once said to me was "you look really pretty in that coat". I was taken off guard by that comment & actually stammered for a sec before I said "thank you" and then continued on walking.
I will say first, that you are, by far, my newest favorite blog. I actually read about maybe 20 blogs a day, and yours is one of them! I love your writing style, your tone, and you and I think a lot a like. It's scary sometimes.
One of the best comments I've received on my blog is:
"Absolutely love this, blog hopping has succeeded at last! This post was exactly what I needed today, I'm LMAO atm, ur my nu bff. :) Ugh, did I just type that? Anyhoo, via the hop, here's my linkie, I'm SO following you!"
She's an amazing woman who I 'clicked' with immediately, but this was her first visit to my site. Made me laugh and feel all warm and squishy inside at the same time.
Some other (shorter) favorites have been:
"Amen. That is all."
"I totally love to read your blog - I love your writing, and your 'tude, mostly because you remind me of a cooler, more interesting version of me. :-)"
"LOL....nope, you couldn't make this stuff up!...You should write a book ;-)"
"That is so awesome!! Congratulations! Must be really exciting, huh? I almost peed in my pants for you. Hurray!!" Thanks for that one, Teething Mom.... =)
Hey, what about the time I said you had nice boobs? Don't I get any love for that one?
michelmoba: I'm right there with you. We need SPECIFICS people!! Because if you don't spell it out for us it won't register. It goes to our BS archive, especially when you say it without even looking.
Morgan: Okay, you just set the record for the longest comment in my blog EVER. Congrats again!! As a prize, I will grab your badge and place it in my sidebar :)
Jill: Of course your acknowledgement of my tits won't go unnoticed! Check this blog update in like, 2 minutes.
That's better.
You are the funniest blogger. I almost peed my pants reading your post with the old friendster pictures...thanks for making my day.
I think men love your blog for posts like this ;)
I'm glad you are getting the love you deserve!
Best compliment ever:
When my husband saw me enter the room and said, "Wow" and meant it.
I had just woken up.
It does feel good to be recognized, doesn't it? Made me feel like commenting, too so I can give you my own personal 'atta girl.'
Great job!
=) I try, lol.
Thanks!! I am returning the favor!
You're my new favorite blogger. Just sayin.' Thanks for making me laugh!
waiting for next post
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