Friday, December 17, 2010

Freaky Friday: Holiday Edition

It's a Friday!!  Oh, I remember how I used to look forward to this day unlike any other. Little did I know that once you're a Stay-At-Home-Mom, Fridays tend to be shitty. At least mine does. Traffic's horrible, the malls are packed, restaurants are full, and everyone just wants to be OUT.  On top of that, hubby's home for two straight days.
Hubs being home is a 50/50 shot at being good/bad.  In my experience, it's been both, especially because I'm a control freak and I like having something, anything to do on the weekends, so I over plan our schedule for the next two days, and when we end up not doing any of them, or in most cases doing something that is NOT of relevant value, at least according to my standards, I get really really bitchy, and the last thing I want to see is Shi's face, for two straight days.

I like Mondays.  Mondays are when all the SAHMs come out and get stuff done without interference from external forces.

But anyway, I don't know why I had to say all that.  All I want to do is kick start your weekend with the best holiday card EVER!!

Nice, huh?  I mean, why didn't I think of this when I was pregnant??  I am crazy jealous!

But that's not the photo that made MY Friday freaky.  The one that really got me, thanks to this website, was a picture of a classic father-daughter moment encaptured in this shot:

Damn.  That's fucked up


Tattedmom said...

I feel ya on the Friday thing. My plans this weekend are to finish Christmas shopping, but I'm sure hubby and Call of Duty will have a two day long fling. Grr....

I always love reading your posts, finding comfort in the fact that I'm not alone in my "logical" thinking, lol.

Ashley said...

I kind of agree, I like quiet routine of the week, weekends are hit or miss.

That picture...oh my god. Actually both pictures. I love the boob squeeze in the first one?! Hot!

Inara Jones said...

Where the hell do you find these things? I am officially scarred for life. Thanks.

Jaclyn said...

Oh my.

Joette said...

I am jealous I didn't think of that for my Christmas card. I've got a few pregnancy shots of my husband squeezing my tits, and it is hilarious. His eyes make him look like a kid in the candy store.

tulpen said...

That card and that photo are twelve shades of fucked up!

Kari said...

I don't even know what to say. I tried reading your post, but kept going back to that first picture...such an expression of holiday love!

Tina@ said...

Do you guys want a copy of the card? My gift, to all of you. Oooh. I know you want it. Don't be shy.

Bevin @ said...

Omg. You find the creepiest stuff. Ick. =D

Anonymous said...

what did you type into google to get those images?

Custom Patches said...

What a Holiday card!

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